Thursday, December 22, 2011

9/11.. Failing the American Public

Hey readers so for my last Blog post I went for the chapter on 9/11. Now it took alot to get me to do this one believe me. I was quite on the fence about doing this chapter, for reasons being I felt everyone would. Like its going to be a major thing, but whatever I know I can turn it out. I also choose the chapter because it gets down to the nitty gritty. I saw the smoke from my 7th grade history classroom, and heard it on the news, but what this chapter says happens is quite stunning. The chapter is a layout on how  in our society it is easier for us to listen to our president lie about the what really happened as appose to hearing the truth.
Picture of President making speech after 9/11

This Chapter also shines some light on our ante up mentality. The book says "The president had been set on attacking Iraq 8 months before 9/11" I mean wow. That's like the bully who hates you cause you smile funny and then the one day you spill a drink on him all hell breaks loose. It's American way to fight without cause most times a major issue. A major piece that stood out to me was how citizen journalism helped Frank Rich cite some of the issues with his book " The Greatest Story Ever Told:The Decline of the Truth". In which he says about said journalism " The explosion of new technology was the fastest hes seen white house fiction be exposed." Just wow.  Picture of his book.
Today there is mounds of hurt around and yet we hear nothing about it. It takes websites like Democracy now to tell us what really is happening out there. The link I'm sharing is from Democracy Now and it's a timline of what happened on 9/11 up all the way to now. And you tell me can you see a difference?
With President Bush's rhetoric of "Terrorists are Bad America is good" we've seen a country of downright hooligans instead of the freedom fighters we need. And the aftermath of a useless war are still outstanding. Today is a day we should use more than a gun to get our points across like this Chapter we need blow away the smoke and mirrors and see and know the truth. IT'S TIME...

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